martes, 26 de febrero de 2013

domingo, 3 de febrero de 2013

A Tale from China

Two hunters saw a wild goose fly overhead.  As one of the hunters placed an arrow in his bow and aimed it at the goose, he said, "The goose will make a fine stew."
"Stew!" said the other.
"It would be far better to roast it."
"Stewed!" said the first, putting down his arrow.
"Roasted!" replied the other.
The argument went on. "Let's ask our clan leader to decide the best way to cook that goose."
The leader settled the argument by suggesting that when they caught the goose, half should be stewed and half should be roasted.  In that way, everyone's needs would be met.  Pleased, the two hunters went out to shoot the wild goose, but by that time, the goose was safely long gone...


  1. Name 5 animals with irregular plural.
  2. Name 5 ways of cooking food.


Good morning and welcome!!!

Pues ya está aquí y esperamos que sea para largo.  También deseamos que entre todos podamos crear un blog con buenos recursos que nos facilite la tarea de enseñar, de aprender, que nos distraiga y que nos mantenga al día en la asignatura y en la vida del centro.

Con objeto de mejorar las competencias lingüísticas aquí os dejamos un relato con moraleja, esta vez una historia de China y recordad: "Más vale pájaro en mano que cientos volando."